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Weekender Bag

Vacation-ready custom printed weekender tote bag

Weekender Bag The perfect custom weekender tote bag for a mini vaca getaway. The perfect custom weekender tote bag for a mini vaca getaway.

$32.00 Product Cost*

$39.95 Suggested Retail Price

Product Description
Take a vacation in style. This custom printed weekender tote bag makes for the perfect carry-on that will get you ready for a weekend escape. Printed on demand with top of the line equipment and unlimited color usage, you can feature just one design on both sides or a fun all-over print.
  • 1” inch thick cotton web handles with 13” strap drop
  • 100% spun polyester
  • 50% polyester / 50% cotton lined
  • 100% spun polyester
  • Available in 24” x 16”
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* Each Artist Shops product has a Base Cost, which is equal to the Product Cost plus a 5% processing fee based on the purchase price of that product. To calculate your earnings, subtract the Base Costs from the purchase price and you keep the difference.